Merry Christmas to All…

While I realize one can not tell by this blog, but the Williamsburg Legati are still very active.  This year has seen some Altar of Freedom games, an increase in some of our boardgaming,  an introduction to Blood and Plunder, Guild Ball, and Battlestar Galactica.  Chris is excitedly preparing for Rommel.

An unexpected home repair disaster has seen us temporarily convening in a storefront (thanks, Joe) but we expect to return home soon.


Last Thursday saw a return to our seasonal game celebration.  We played 7TV.  A variation of their Search and Rescue episode starring Department X and Shiva casts, with a special guest appearance of St. Nick himself!


Both sides had 60 some points.  The set up was that Santa’s sleigh had crashed/ been shot down over the Greendock area of London.  Both Department X and SHIVA were in a race to recover Santa who was the McGuffin for the episode.


SHIVA pulled the “setting the scene” countdown card which allows a piece of scenery to be moved.  They used this to great advantage to move the main warehouse in the center of the table enabling Kali to easily capture Santa.  This and a failed attack by the single shot rocket of the X Track gave SHIVA’s dastardly plan a very successful head start.  The took this advantage and pulled back with much of their force to a lockup in an arch deep in one of their corners.  As Chris said, “this was to be their Alamo”.


This did prove to be, however.  The episode did seem to begin to sway in Department x’s favour. Hugo Solomon defeated the Guru in a very quick fight.  The X commando support by their Xtrack and Pandora King (not Stryker as printed in the comic) made quick work of SHIVA’s minions.  It looked like it would, in fact, all come down to a fierce fight for the lockup.

SHIVA, however, had been burning through the countdown cards trying to end the episode early.  With luck they got the “PLOT TWIST” allowing them two more Countdown cards, one of which was “Cliffhanger” thereby ending the episode prematurely, with Santa in their clutches.  Vince suggested that SHIVA was injecting Santa with the Krampus virus, to turn him evil.  Hmm, I do have a Krampus model on the way here, I think I see next years Holiday special!

Until Next Time, Cheers and Happy Holidays!




The Curse of the Abaia!! A Pulp Alley Adventure.

This week found the Williamsburg Legati returned from their month long hiatus as well as completing another episode of the Perilous Island campaign.

Having discovered the blind sailor in Soerabaja, apparently the only survivor of Lord Darrow’s expedition, Red Shamabala and the Legio Patra Nostra  temporarily put aside their animosity and take passage on board the S.S. Venture to the mysterious Perilous Island!


There boats scattered and wrecked by something under the lagoon, the adventurers swim safely  to the shore.  The Plot points for this adventure were one Major plot point, a box containing remains of Lord Darrow’s journal.  this was pre-placed on the boat wreckage at the mouth of the lagoon.  The others, placed by the players were a small pot of Goo, Perillium mineral deposits, a native fisherman, and a corpse.

The leagues also brought with them so useful gear.  The Russians had a rocket pack and the French a diving suit.  The French also had the help of a New Guniea brawler as a local friend.

The Russians gained the goo very quickly, and Ivanna used her rocket pack to fly out to the wreck in the lagoon.


Alex used the diving suit to simply walk out to the boat, while Captain LeFurge approached and took the native fisherman plot point.  Pretty quickly a brawl broke out on the wreck.  this fight would continue and only increase in size and confusion.



Samson tried to stop the Russians from taking the perillium, but all he achieves is slowing them down before being dropped.  It was about then that the Abaia surfaced!!!


In the confusion Alex (unlike what it says in the comic) managed to break away from the fight and steal the journal, his dive buddy on the other hand was killed by the Abaia.  While it consumed the poor fellow, the others slipped off to safety.  The mysterious remains in the end were never investigated.  The thorny growth around the body kept several attempts at bay.

See you next month for BLOOD SACRAFICE!!!

Captain Engelhorn and the Soerabaja Manhunt, A Pulp Alley Adventure!!

This week brought about the next issue of the Club’s Pulp Alley Campaign.  Clues found in the warehouse in Athens have lead our intrepid adventurers to Soerabaja in Dutch Indonesia.  It was here that an old and nearly mad sailor returned from Lord Darrow’s expedition to Perilous Island.  Perhaps he knows Darrow’s whereabouts?

As per usual, Chris had his rogue legionnaires and Peter, the Soviet Red Shambala.  We were joined this evening by Brian who opted for the S.S. Venture crew.  This legion is based very heavily upon the crew of the same name in King Kong.  They are a tramp freighter crew, engaged in making a living however they can.  Often this is by importing wild animals legally or otherwise!Page_1

This adventure is designed to use 5 locations as the plot points.  I decided, due to the nature of the game and the usual way that plot points work (which requires them to be too small to be contested by multiple legions) to use figures to represent the places.  So with that in mind, the plot points were:

A grumpy sailor figure- Gimpy’s Bar

A Nurse- St Lawrence’s Catholic Mission

A rugged looking Matron in an Apron- Red Bridge Hostel

An Armed Maid- Cafe Perkasa

and lastly a Bartender- De Zondebak & Het Schwarte Schaap pub

All of these are just minor plot points.  the major plot point was the old sailor and he wasn’t to be placed on the table at all.  As per the usual ruloes the plot points would be played with perils and a random challenge.  If taken a reward card is pulled.  If that card has the +1 Exp reward than the Old Sailor would also be there.



The Legionnaires and Red Shambala immediately went for the closest plot points, and this game became mostly a race.  The legionnaires went directly for the mission and the bar, while the soviets went for the Hostel and cafe.  the sailors moved slower and went to the sailor representing Gimpy’s bar.


Combat was very minimal.  All I remember was one exchange of gunfire between the Reds and the French which resulted in nothing at all!  Perils were having an effect however and it took surprisingly long for most of the plot points to be taken.


When he was finally discovered it was by the Venture crew, who quickly left in pursuit of the Island.  The other leagues likewise went in search of transport to follow the tramp freighter.

Next time Perilous Island!!!!