Skirmish at Richneck Plantation — Cry Havoc and Let Slip the Dogs of War!

Thursday brought another game of Sharp Practice to the Williamsburg Legati. Based on a minor event that occurred not far from here on the morning of January 1st, 1781. Infamous traitor Benedict Arnold had invaded Virginia and was working out his advance upon the new capital at Richmond. At 2 in the morning, Militia activity […]

via Skirmish at Richneck Plantation — Cry Havoc and Let Slip the Dogs of War!


  1. It’s good to see there is a local group of people that do this. After quitting “main stream” gaming I’m in a bit of limbo. I’ve been collecting Konflikt 47 models and a little Deus Vult for some Crusading goodness. But with no group it all seems pointless.

    What is your groups favorite period of time and or rule set?


  2. We play quite a lot of different things, not always historical. That’s the biggest challenge is the large number of different interests we try to appease!


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